Char Qutub dargah in Hansi is the dargah of Baba Farid’s most senior disciple, close friend and Khalifa Shaikh Jamaluddin Hansvi (1187-1261 AD), his son Burhan-ud Din (1261-1303 AD), and descendants Qutab-ud-Din Munawwar (1300-1354 AD) and Nur-ud-Din or Nur-e-Jahan (1325-1397 AD) who were the celebrated Sufi Saints of their times and given the designation of Qutub or polestar.
There is a Mosque attached which is more or less in its original shape.
To Baba Farid, Shaikh Jamaluddin was his Jamal ( beauty)
Baba Farid stayed in Hansi for 12 years and after he left for Ajodhan then Shaikh Jamaluddin visited him frequently.
Shaikh Jamaluddin wrote few books of which two books have survived, the Mulhimat written in Arabic and his Diwan written in Farsi.
Shaikh Qutab-ud-Din Munawwar, grandson of Shaikh Jamaluddin, was a disciple of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya. He spent many years in Mehboob e Ilahi’s khanqah in Delhi
The dargah has undergone many changes inside as can be seen from the photographs.
I sat there in complete silence and all alone and prayed for peace and good for all.