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Dargah of Sheikh Burhanuddin Garib in Khuldabad, Maharashtra

Sheikh Burhanuddin Garib was born in approximately 1240 CE at Hansi. His parents were Sheikh Mahmood and Bibi Hajra who was the sister of Shaikh Jamaluddin Ahmad Hanswi, one of the prominent disciples of Shaikh Fariduddin (1175-1267)
He became a disciple of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya at an early age. The young Burhanuddin was entrusted with the task of supervision of the kitchen (Langarkhana) in Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya’s Khanqah. He preformed his duty with care and sincerity for a long period
and later his khalifa.
Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya regarded and honoured the Sheikh, and used to call him Maulana Burhanuddin. He referred to him as too one Shaikh Bayazid Thani.
Sheikh Burhanuddin had profound regard and affection for Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya to such an extent that he never turn his back towards Ghayaspur (suburb of Delhi), the residence and tomb of his Pir.
He was also friends with Hazrat Amir Khusrau, Amir Hasan Sijzi, Masud Bak, Shaikh Nasiruddin Mahmud Chiragh-i Delhi.
he left for Deogir as it was known then before the transfer of capital by Mohammed bin Tughlaq on the orders of Hazrat Nizamuddin Auliya . Isami mentions that he sanctified the area before the other scholars were made to shift in 1327.

For 30 years he fasted every alternate day ( Dawoodi fast) .
He left this world in 1344 CE ( some sources say 1340)
When the sovereign Nasiruddin Nasir Khan Faruqi established the city of Burhanpur on the banks of river Tapti, in 1399 named after the saint. The saint had rested for a night on his way to Deogir.
Sheikh Burhanuddin followed in the footsteps of his great Chishti preceptor. He was delighted in samá (recitations). So much so that he introducing ecstatic dance in samá with his fellow disciples, which later on became popular
as ‘Burhanis after his name.
His dargah is one of the largest in Khuldabad, dist Aurangabad.
There’s a huge courtyard with white, yellow and green painted arches and walls. A lofty naqqarkhana is also there.
The shrine is beyond that overlooking the mountains.
The first Nizam of Hyderabad and his son are also buried in his dargah compound

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