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Folio from the “Qur’an of `Umar Aqta”,late 14th–early 15th century (before 1405) ~ Met Museum

Surah Al_Qasas … This is the abode of the Hereafter! We appoint it unto those who Seek not exaltation in the earth nor corruption; and the happy end is for the God-fearing

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This fragment of a page comes from one of the largest copies of the Qur’an ever produced. Each line of script, written in the muhaqqaq style, is over three feet long, and each page was originally over seven feet tall. This page probably comes from a gigantic Qur’an that the calligrapher ‘Umar Aqta’ wrote for the ruler Timur (Tamerlane, d. 1405). Apparently Timur was unimpressed after ‘Umar Aqta’ wrote a Qur’an so small that it could fit under a signet ring, so the calligrapher wrote another Qur’an so large it had to be brought to Timur on a cart.

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