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Mausoleum of Mahmud Pahlavon in Khiva, Uzbekistan

“Heart which has no divine mystery
Should be broken into a thousand pieces”
Mahmud Pahlavon

I am in glazed tiles heaven but the most stunning were in mausoleum of Pahlavon Mahmud, who was a revered 14th-century Iranian Sufi poet, writer and…wrestler! Professional Iranian wrestlers still pray to Pahlavon Mahmud before matches.
Reminded me of our own Mir Panjakash, lying forgotten in a dingy room in Pahari Imli, Old Delhi.
It’s also believed he rescued many of the people brought as slaves to Khiva.
Pahlavon Mahmud’s tomb dates back to the 14th century and was rebuilt into a mausoleum in the 19th century.

This is just a small sample of a breathtaking monument.

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