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Mausoleum of Shad-e (or Shadi) Mulk Aga in Shah e Zinda, Samarqand

Every mausoleum in Shah e Zinda in Samarqand is exquisite but one of the most breathtaking is the tomb of Shad-e (or Shadi) Mulk Aga, who died on 29 December 1371 (AH 20 Jumada II 773). It was sponsored by her mother, Qutlugh Turkan Aga, elder sister of Timur (r. 1370-1405).
A signature on the lower-right base of the pishtaq’s colonnette indicates the tomb’s tilework was the product of a certain “Zayn al-din, son of Shams al-din the potter.”
The calligraphy bands include much more than names and dates; they also convey some poignant verses lamenting the loss of a beloved daughter (translation from Soustiel and Portier):
This is the garden where rests a treasure of felicity;
This is the tomb where a rare pearl was lost.
In it, she with a waist of cypress found grace.
There is no other remedy but that she lie in the earth.
She was dust; she was carried by the wind like Solomon,
Although he wore the Seal of Protection as a ring.

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