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Sunheri Masjid of Roshan ud daulah in Delhi

The other Sunehri Masjid of Nawab Roshanud Daula
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan writes in Asar us Sanadid :
“There is a very beautiful and elegant masjid built by Nawab Roshan ud Daula near Qazi Wada. In bygone days this masjid had gilded decorations covering its walls. It had three beautiful domes golden domes and that’s why it was called Sunehri Masjid.
But now the gilding has peeled off and looks very dull. The domes have broken and some of the minars are also damaged. There are just a few signs to testify to its name.
They say that the golden plating from this masjid’s domes was used to repair the Sunehri Masjid near the Kotwali.
Janab Maulvi Makhsusullah sahib often comes to this masjid.
There is a very pretty hauz in the courtyard. This too is now in ruins.
This masjid was on the main road and so was very well frequented by people.
It was built in the reign of Mohammad Shah and these verses are written on its façade:

Thanks be to God, that by the blessing of the grace of the Sayyed, a protection of the knowledge (of God), Shah Bhik who is a perfect and holy teacher
In the reign of a king glorified like Alexander and dignified like Jamshed, the spreader of justice (named) Mohammad Shah, the champion of the faith and the King
Roshan ud Daula Zafar khan, the Lord of beneficience and bounty, built this golden mosque resembling heaven.
Such a mosque that its dignified open courtyard the sky sweeps every morning with the pencil of the sun’s rays.
It’s clear tank represents the stream of Paradise, whoever performed ablution with its water became pure of his sins.
The date of its foundation Rasai obtained from the invisible inspiration;” (It is a ) mosque like the mosque of Jerusalem where the light of God descends.” The year 1157.
This masjid is very beautiful and famous and so I will make its sketch.” (Given)

It is very easy to miss as its on tje first floor, the entrance is in a lane and it’s not visible from the road.

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