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Zangiata shrine near Tashkent, Uzbekistan

The Shrine

Uzbekistan has many Sufi saint shrines and I wanted to visit as many as i could.
One of the famous dargahs in Tashkent is called Zangiati and is 15 km outside the city.
Off we went in search of in a hired taxi.
It the shrine of Sheikh Ai-Khoja, who lived in the XIII century, and his wife Ambar Bibi. As he was darkskinned he became known as Zangiati
The Sheikh was a follower of Khwaja Ahmed Yesavi. My friend S Affan Yesvi is from his line.
The original shrine built by Amir Timur has undergone many changes & restorations.
A mosque has been added. As is popular in Uzbekistan, there’s a summer mosque- wooden ceiling and columns open totje elements on one side and a winter mosque made of concrete.
The main shrine has a huge domed hall where visitors sit . Locals come therein huge numbers.
When i went there was a group reciting Fatihas and other ayats.
The grave is behind locked doors so devotees can only sit in that hall.
the last image is from the internet and pre restoration

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