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Zulfiqar: Hazrat Ali’s double edged sword and it’s mystical meaning

Zulfiqar Sword of Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib Painting by
Suleman Rehman

Ali’s double edged sword called Zulfiqar had mystical significance of zikr (remembrance of God) & fikr (contemplation of God)
Ali possessed esoteric & exoteric knowledge
Major Sufi silsilahs trace lineage to him & he inherited the Prophet’s spiritual knowledge ( seena dar seena)
He was the epitome of chivalry which in Arabic tradition meant a code of honourable conduct in tradition of Prophets & saints .
He was famously called the door to the city of knowledge, while the Prophet ( pbuh) was the city.

Read more of Ali’s jawanmardi and Arabic traditions of futuwwah (chivalry)
In Search of the Divine: Living Histories of Sufism in India

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