A chance remark by Prof Yunus Jaffery that Ghalib had written the katba ( inscription ) for the Shia Jama Masjid took me in search for it.
I hunted for the location on the net. All I could find was Shia Jama Masjid at Kashmiri Gate which was woefully inadequate considering how crowded the place is.
It doesn’t help that it’s totally overshadowed by its more famous namesake Delhi’ s Jama Masjid.
Anyway we finally found it after much asking in shops in the area.
The keyword turned out to be Moharrum as the 10 moharrum procession starts from there.
The mosque built in 1841-42 stands on a raised platform and 17 stone steps lead unto it. Its court was enclosed on the east by an arcade and on the west by the mosque proper writes Maulvi Zafar hasan in 1919 but today theres just a single hall mosque with a small courtyard
The reason I couldn’t find it on the net is because it’s original name is Hamid Ali Mosque on Hamilton road.
The katba
“Itmaduddaula through whose excess of generosity, the red sea is as a pint before the palm of his hand
The perspicuous Hamid Ali Khan who on account of his purity sees the secrets of eternity within his mind
Erected in delhi an auspicious mosque which should become a place of worship for young and old
Ghalib the nightingale who has his nest in Tuba (tree in Paradise) sang out after the manner of poets
A second Kaba has appeared in the world; th year of erection is ‘Kaba resembling’ (chronogram)
Under the supervision of Maulvi Tegh Ali ; the year 1257 (AH)
Ghalib was a Sunni Muslim who had great faith in Hazrat Ali and the ahle bait (family of the Prophet) and as such must have written this inscription with chronogram.
This is the main hall. There used to be a Qullatain or small tank at the far east corner of the mosque. Now there are some taps for ablution
an alcove for the rosaries and sajdahgaahs (used by Shias for namaz)
An alcove for the Holy Quran
A Rajasthani chapter on the facade
The facade
A piece of the faseel ( wall) of surviving opposite the Mosque