if i had my way i would stop at every church in every European village. They are just so pretty.
This of course is a very old and famous St Peters Abbey Church in Salzburg.
Since St. Peter’s was founded in the 7th century, the church and abbey have been the spiritual heart of the city of Salzburg.
It is set at the foot of the Mönchsberg mountains and built in the Romanesque style of architecture in 1130.
It is built at the site of a previous Carolingian church building, and was dedicated to Saint Peter in 1147.
Onion domes are very popular in Austria and really fascinate me. The onion dome on the steeple was added in 8th century.
the interior was often re-modelled before attaining its currently visible late Baroque style between 1760 and 1782 under Abbot Beda Seeauer’s direction. The high altar is a work by Martin Johann Schmidt.
Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor was scheduled to premiere in the church, probably on 26 October 1783, with his wife Constanze singing first soprano. However, the work remained incomplete.
Next to the altar where St. Rupert was originally entombed lie the tombs of Mozart’s sister Maria Anna Mozart (Nannerl) and Johann Michael Haydn. Also entombed at St. Peter’s Abbey is St. Vitalis.
It is in the#cemetery of this church that the Von Trapp family escapes in the movie #soundofmusic