Saiad Shah Jalalu-d din or Ganj e Rawan Ganj Baksh (which means “moving treasure & giver of treasure ), was born at Khirkan near Bukhara, and established one of the first Sufi khanqahs in the Deccan about Hijri 700/ 1300 or a little before the invasion of Alaud din Khalji.
He belonged to the Suhrawardiyya silsilah.
A jinn is supposed to have been trapped under this yoni in Khuldabad
Local legend states that when the saint ( Hazrat Jalauddin Ganj e rawan) came to Khuldabad he imprisoned a demon or jinn named Azar beneath a stone, which is still to be seen east of his tomb (Fig. 34). Curiously the stone resembles a yoni, used as a base for a Shiva-lingam (Ernst 2004a:233-34; Ernst 2004b:106-7
The tree that grew out of Hazrat Jalauddin Ganj e rawa ‘s staff.
His pir had told him to stop only where that happened.
It happened in Khuldabad