Monsoons are at an end for this season, but let me take you into the world of smells.
The sondhi khushbu of wet earth called petrichor is something all of us associate with rains.
This khushbu has been captured by attars in Itr Gill.
It is made hydro-distillation (Deg & Bhapka Method) . Kannauj is the centre for itr making in India.
First, clay is extracted from the surface soil and fired in a kiln. Afterward, these clay pots are submerged in water using copper cauldrons called “deghs.”
A fire by cow dung is ignited beneath the cauldron, which holds clay pots. The vapor produced travels through bamboo pipes to condense within receivers (known as bhapka) situated over an oil base, ultimately creating the attar. This method is referred to as hydro-distillation.