In Islam, Thursday evenings or shab e Jumaa is believed to be blessed with a bright night, when Allah’s rahmat or Mercy is said to flow.
The basis of this is a Hadith of the Prophet
“There is no day or night which is paralleled to the night of Thursday and the day of Friday.”
(Jame’ Sagheer Vol. 5, p. 372)
The devout believe that “The deeds of servants are presented before Allah Almighty on Thursday and Allah Almighty forgives them save the ones that have envy for one another or cut blood ties. ” (Jame’ Sagheer Vol. 3, p. 250)
We all do extra prayers on that night, especially prayers for the deliverance of our ancestors and near and dear ones who have left us.
That is why we see huge crowds in dargahs too. People come and offer flowers or chadors at the shrine
That is why the hashtag #SufiThursdays is popular.