These images are from the post of @sairehind & belong to the now demolished Akhondji masjid complex
It reads
Dargah Sharif Dehli Waqf Board
Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrezi R.A.
Below that
Sheikh Janazah Parran.
Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrezi came to Delhi in the reign of Sultan Iltutmish. However, he didn’t stay long because he didn’t get aling with the Sheikh ul Islam. He went to Bengal where he is responsible for the spread of Sufism. His real burial place is not known.
The second line ‘janazah parran’ means his body came here miraculously ( parran means flew) and was buried here.
The Bari Pandua dargah is associated with him.
Sheikh Jalaluddin Tabrezi came to Delhi in the reign of Sultan Iltutmish. However, he didn’t stay long because he didn’t get along with the Sheikh ul Islam. He went to Bengal where he is responsible for the spread of Sufism. His real burial place is not known. The Bari Pandua dargah is associated with him.
Could this be associated with his tomb and disappearance?